Books I read today

Today I went to Barnes and Noble. I read two books about libraries and how wonderful and supportive librarians can be. One had charming three-colored prints, and owls. The other was about Mouse and the pickle-loving Bear (I know, right?). TheMidnight Library, by Kazuno Kohara A Library Book for Bear, by Bonny Becker, illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton (The link is to an inspiring interview with Kady from 2011; here is her website .) Next I read this Preschool book because it was on theme. It would've gone well with the books I read to my children when they were little. Books Always Everywhere, by Jane Blatt , illustrated by Sarah Massini The link goes to her (active) Twitter feed. Here is her (not so active) website . Then I read an old favorite, because the books about books reminded me of it. The Fanatastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore, by William Joyce Then my airplane obsessed children appeared, so I read this book about learning to fly, sort...